What about company event? The Adamo Show II is much more than a usual company event for all to show their talents. Explore how the music event in a mobile app development company was?
Every firm needs to deliver its corporate culture to employees, so it is essential to organize company events and promote a non-stressful working environment. Moreover, our CEO wants to create an energetic and stress-free environment. Thus, a company event is a perfect opportunity to break away from the stress of daily work life. Employees are excited about company events while spending time with each other without worrying about work.
Adamo Software organized a mini live music concert with the participation of talented employees on 16th July 2022. The Adamo Show season II had drawn the attention of many employees from various departments. Our developers, testers, accountants, and more transformed their new looks compared to working days.

On that night, all burned out on that stage via many energetic and booming performances. Let’s see how a mobile app development company turns company events into dynamic live music events.
Company Event With Adamo Software – The music event showcasing unexplored talents

With the theme of Being Youth Again, The Adamo Show has come back in 2022 after a successful year. Everyone who took part in The Adamo Show 2021 confessed that they enjoyed the atmosphere and had time to show their talents through singing and dancing.

All of them want to see The Adamo Show or something like that. That’s why we have The Adamo Show season II with the topic of Being Young Again. At this time, this music event has come back with a scope and received a universal and exciting reception.
As a mobile app development company, Adamo Software holds interesting company events for all employees to help prevent stress. There are sixteen thriving performances from solo, couple, and teams to groups of amateur singers from an IT outsourcing company like Adamo Software.
The organizers invite The Black Chicken, an energetic and passionate music band to the show. The Adamo Show is a perfect time for our talents to compete to find the most talented ones.

The harmonious combination of The Black Chicken and our non-professional singers delighted all. All people in the ballroom had experienced a feeling of excitement from a burning-out rock-and-roll performance.

Moreover, the music event is a proper occasion to honor and recognize motivated teams and excellent individuals.
How IT outsourcing companies prepare for the company events
The company event is a perfect opportunity for Adamo Software to deliver corporate culture. Before the showtime of the Adamo Show, all singers have to spend time practicing with the band.

Besides working hours, our developers and testers are always ready to get on fire on stage. Since they want to bring the best performance to the stage.

As a mobile app development company, Adamo Software conveys a corporate culture with energetic and talented developers. People may see that office workers like developers and testers in an IT outsourcing company always focus on their computers and mobile devices. However, our developers want to prove that it is not true.
Things to do during a live music event for employee engagement
Finding your showmate
Before the show, audiences will have a chance to find their showmate by matching two pieces of a heart and the numbers on them. Matching different people across departments within a company helps them get to know each other better.

All audiences will find their showmate to check in and receive a lucky number before the showtime. At the end of the Adamo Show, there will be a small gift for a lucky couple.
Everyone seems to be excited about this part since they want to know who their showmate is. Matching unknown employees helps foster collaboration and partnership within an organization.
Being into 16 dynamic performances from talented Adamoers

Being immersed in sixteen performances is the best part of the Adamo Show. You can enjoy various performances from solo-singer, teams, and groups of talented employees. The performances are diverse from ballad, R&B, rock, rap, and acoustic.

After hours of practicing with live music bands, our singers make audiences feel like they are back to their youth. Choosing songs related to the youth is one of the smartest choices of the singers. It brings an atmosphere of youth and beauty.

Co-workers in a different department entering the company combine with the old colleagues. It makes our singers get to know each other better, fostering rapport amongst co-workers.

People from different teams will drive a common goal for this music event.

Furthermore, the show is a perfect time for some people to express feelings for their colleagues or for someone they like and have strong feelings for.

Quarter award: shouting out for motivated teams and prospective individuals
Besides, the Adamo Show season II is a proper occasion for companies to honor the project teams and excellent employees in a quarter. There are 4 prizes for four motivated teams, and 4 prizes for prospective employees. Our CEO, Mr. Kevin Nguyen stated that the quarter award would be a great opportunity to honor project teams and individuals who had outstanding performances in the last quarter.

Four motivated teams would receive recognition in the quarter. Motivated team: Tutor Matching, HotelsHR, Member’s Chat, and Website Adamo.

Individuals would be honored as the most outstanding employees. Prospect award: Pham Thi Hien, Minh Duc, Tung Lam, Thu Huong, Trong Nhan, etc.
Burning out that night with rock-and-roll atmospheres
Team “Men La” had brought this booming performance of rock and roll on stage that night. Maybe they are just usual developers and testers; however, they will become a star while being on stage. Our developers play hard and work hard. Besides being dedicated developers, they are also true artists on stage.

Our singers brought an energetic and thriving performance for all audiences. Everyone in this room stood up and danced with the performers. All of them had experienced unforgettable moments that brought them back to their youth.

Furthermore, the stage presence with flames is the key to such a great live music performance. Those performances blew out the thoughts of inactive and half-hearted developers in a mobile app development company like Adamo.
The Adamo Show to express corporate culture via company event
Corporate culture is essential for any organization since it supports its business objectives. Employees might be appealed to companies whose corporate cultures they deliver, which in turn drives their retention and talent acquisition. Fostering a culture of energetic and stress-free working environments can be critical to obtaining a competitive advantage compared to others.

Additionally, corporate culture plays an important role in marketing the firm to customers and the community at large. Thus, it leads to a form of public relations. At Adamo Software, BOD would like to express corporate culture.
Corporate culture refers to the beliefs and practices associated with a specific company. The Adamo Show season II, for example, is one of the greatest examples to convey meaningful messages in corporate culture. With the thriving performance, three-handsome-boy team won the best prize for all.

Wrapping Up
The Adamo Show season II with the theme of “Being Young Again” brought thriving experiences for all audiences. This music event will be a great example of delivering corporate culture. It also helps foster relationships among employees across the mobile app development company like Adamo. Adamo-ers work hard, and play harder. This company event blows up the thought that ITers are not dynamic and inactive.
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